Buddy at work for a bit with Mom! He loved running around especially in the gym. His little paws pitter pattered all around, so funny! He can't get a good grip on that slick floor! Enjoy!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tri and Try again!
I started out with the swim, the event I was worried about the most! I actually didn't feel bad at all in this part of the race! I was surprised! Climbed out of the pool and off towards the bike. There I wiped down real quick, tried getting my socks on the damp feet as fast as I could, and shoes on. Helmet, glasses, bike down and I was off! I went ALL out in the bike. My heart rate was maxed the whole time! I wanted to make up some time here yet I feel it was my more stronger event!
Got off the bike and onto the 2 mile run! I thought this would be my strongest event, but after a swim and bike ride, I was exhausted! I ran, just not fast like I wanted! Side ache! :S So it was a slow run, and I lost all that time I made up. Which makes me frustrated now thinking about it! But hey....I crossed the finish line, still alive and am thankful for that! Parents came to cheer me on and that meant so much! Support is always much appreciated and them showing up was great! Buddy of course is my copilot! I think he coulda done the whole race with me! :D
I want to keep training and working hard and do another event like this! There is one in the Spring in Emporia I'd like to do, a little bigger, but gives me time to train now! Something to work towards, something to look forward to! I'm thankful for the ablities God has given me, and I want to live life and put them to use!
Must admit I celebrated Saturday night with a drink, I needed to celebrate! What I was looking forward to for awhile, haha. A relaxing night with family and friends! A great weekend all in all!
Finish Line
Crossing the finish line of the race. If you can't tell by the expression on my face that I'm exhausted! I was happy to finish the race and cross the line. Thank you GOD! I was praying most of the race! :D
I'm so thankful I was givin the opportunity to do something like this! Many people don't get the chance or can't do something like this! I had fun, plan on doing more, and keep training and working hard!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Happy Birthday Buddy!
Buddy had a wonderful first birthday today! He had a great morning with presents from Grandma and Grandpa! Watched Grandpa win his Singles Tennis Tournament!! Enjoyed some wonderful "pup"cakes! And had a shout on while listening to Conner's baseball game on the internet radio! They sure talked Buddy up! :) What a wonderful 1st Birthday with Bud!! :D
Friday, July 9, 2010
Buddy Hyper!
Just a clip of Buddy being Buddy! He just got done doing a crazy running fit through the apartment. Just going nuts after me getting home for lunch. Typical Bud! :)
What a vacation I just had. Damn, it's over and back to ole grind again! At least today is Friday! Ha, day of work isn't bad, except have to work a little bit tomorrow. But then a day off again! Not bad. Sure had an aaaaaaaaaaamazing time in Chicago and seeing Conner!! So fun! The rents came and drove half way Saturday. Stayed in Colfax, Iowa. Then drove the rest of the day Sunday and made it in time for a game and awesome fireworks for the 4th! Fun fun!
Conner's parents made the trip as well and we all got to stay at the same hotel, go eat together, watch Con's games and just enjoy each others company! Lots of good laughs! And got to have some fun with Conner as well in between him playing games! Thanks Conman! :)
Thursday we got up early and had to make the looooong trip back! We drove it all in one day. About 9 1/2 hours. Wasn't too bad since we left so early. Back in time to pick up Buddy from the vet! Boy was that dog happy or what! I missed him soooo much on our trip! Hehe. Glad to have him with me again!
Now back to livin in Emporia. Whoppie! May try to make another quick trip to Chi in late August. Hopefully, otherwise September is far off which is when Conner is done. The way these months are flying by though.... busy busy.
Thank you to all who made the trip awesome! Great vacation! And Buddy is now happy too with presents we brought back! :D
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sometimes Buddy is just darn right crazy! I mean crazy! I don't know if it's the PB I put in his toy when I leave him in his cage or what that gets him hyper! But he's nuts! haha. Today when I got home he just was all over me. I'm sittin in my chair and he's jumping on me just clobbering my face and leaning into me, and trying to lick my face. Just weird. I had to laugh when I finally pushed him off and he got down. Then tonight after getting home again he runnin all nuts. Then a firecracker went off outside which he hates! He barks and barks and barks at them! And he scratched the heck out of my foot! I was bleeding! Thanks Bud! But I'm kinda glad he'll be at the Vet during the Fourth of July because he does not like firecrackers! :S
Well it's only Tuesday! Feels like Thursday. I WISH! Just ready for the weekend and road trippin with the rents to see Conner play ball in Chicago! So ready!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Just keep swimming.....
This is Buddy's first time to the lake last weekend! It was a nice hot, but WINDY day at the lake. The water actually felt good! We now know he can swim, but prefers to be on land where he can at least touch!
Well back to work and reality today. No bueno but so goes life. Always nice to have Conner around for awhile! At least tomorrow is Friday!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I picked him up Sunday night late late and then back to Emporia. I still had to work some, but he enjoyed catching up with Buddy, running some errands to see a few people, getting a massage, and napping at home! ;) So just some time for him that he deserved to just do NOTHING! I'm happy he got that. On Tuesday left work we went to Wichita to shop and eat dinner with his mom. Mmmm Olive Garden, mighty tasty! So enjoyed our visit and time together!
Took all Wednesday off from work! Ahhh! Slept in some, we made breakfast! He did all the hard work. I scrambled eggs and he made french toast! Good good good! I was impressed! :D Then we watched some good soccer and tennis on TV. Go USA and Isner you are crazy!! 59-59 in fifth set. Unreal!!!! We then left in the afternoon to head towards KC and went to the Legends. Walked through some stores and walked around area. Then went to Dave & Busters, arcade for adults! It was half price game day so all the games where half off. So we each spent a little and lasted a long time. Passed the afternoon quite well and we had a ton of fun! Ate some dinner then was time to finish the trip and head to airport.
The unfun part of the trip, the dreaded ride to the airport. You reflect on all the fun great things you got to do the past few days, how you miss how things just use to be normal and hang out at home. Playing with Buddy. But then I realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing person in my life and how I got to see him! How I'm so happy that he's doing something he loves and dreams of! I think about how work is so fun and such hard work at the same time for him! How proud I am of him! He's an inspiration to me!
All that gets me through the long, lonely trip back home to Emporia, back to the old grind. Luckily back to Buddy, but not excited about back to work tomorrow. With some catching up to do I'm sure too! But the great thing is next weekend I'll be loading up to head to Chicago with the rents to go visit Conner again! And that gets me through it all! I'm so lucky!
So thanks Conner, for coming home and making these past few days so worth it! Love you! :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
It was a slow evening from there, member wise, which was nice. Of course had to clean up water, under the tiles, from the water that got in through the doors. No bueno there! But the calm after the storm outside is so pretty now. Kansas weather, although destructive at times, it can sure be pretty too! It is so nice outside right now. Pleasantly beautiful!
So once again after so much going on today I feel like it should be another day ahead...like at least Friday now. Come on! Trying to "patiently" wait for Sunday and Conner's arrival! Praying for no rain delay on his game that day and safe travels! I better keep working on my 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle I'm doing right now, I'm turning into my grandma already, but makes the time go fast, yet sometimes keeps me up too late! HA I thought it may help me get tired at night, but instead it stimulates the brain and wakes me up. haha :D
Monday, June 14, 2010
Manic Monday
However this week will probably go slow! Conner gets to come home for a couple of days next week, which means its going to take forevvvvvvvvvver to get here now. Late Sunday night I will pick him up from KC! Yay! He recently bought me a Ipod Touch. So cool, just started playing with it tonight! He's the best ;)
Buddy I think is anticipating Dad's return. He has been extremely crazy and playful tonight! Glad Dad will be here to keep him occupied all day instead of being stuck in a cage! However, plan on going back to GB for the weekend first before Conner comes. He will release all his energy at home probly! He likes playin with his Gma and Gpa!!! And in the backyard! It's my Dad's birthday AND fathers day this weekend! Yippy Skippy! :D
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tick tock....
Tomorrow finally TGIF!!! Time goes slow and fast at the same time. With work staying pretty busy the days go fast there somewhat, but otherwise slow too. This week went faster and better than last. Let's see what the next week brings?!
Nothing to exciting going on here in good ole Emporia. I think it's so neat I have so many friends spread throughout the U.S. now and getting to catch up with everyone is always so unique and fun. We're all doing something different and fun to hear about everyone's adventures. So what's my adventure for the moment??? Hmmm....being Manager of a gym is always unpredictable now, I plan on running another 5k in GB next weekend, which is on my dad's bday! Conner will be home late late that sunday of Fathers day, we always have fun adventures ;) And just taking care of Buddy is always a thriller! Except I can't run with him anymore! I did last night and so frustrating, haha, he chases birds, rabbits, wants to run after other dogs and people, not a good combo and trying to run at the same time! Haha
All enjoy a TGIF tomorrowwwwwwwwww and a good weekend! :D
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
So I am sitting in my apartment listening to Conner's game and watching Jillan's new show on NBC called Losing It! If you haven't seen it, it's pretty powerful. She is trying to save families lives! Coming into families homes for a week and giving them as much info as possible to lead a healthy lifestyle. Helping them realize basically how unhealthful they are currently living! Change is needed if they want to be there for each other further down in their lives! Leading a healthy lifestyle can do sooooo much! Not only to yourself physically, mentally & emotionally, but also to the people your surrounded by. Change is possible! You can do whatever you put your mind to! It's never too late! In everything in life!
Wonderful storms have been rolling through this evening. It's kinda soothing and peaceful listening to. I love it. As long as nothing serious. haha. Buddy doesn't care much for going out in the rain. Poor little guy!
Ok now I'm tearin up cause this show is full of emotions. Watch it! I want to be Jillian! A bitch who peole love! ;) Who is beneficial to your life!
Friday, June 4, 2010
It's been awhile
So yes after each day this week and something eventful happening each day, and me being grumpy with everything by the end of the day last night I decided I just needed to go to bed and a fresh day the next day (being today) So I set no alarm allowing myself to sleep as long as I could since didn't need to be till 12. Well I was awakened by a wake up call at 5:15 am because someone didn't open the gym. I said I'm on it and woke up. All I could do when I got up was laugh! I don't know why and I think it was the wake up call I needed. After everything that went on, of course someone didn't open the gym this morning. But ya know what, it happens. And there could be much worse stuff happening. I'm thankful for the many blessings in life I have!
This morning I was reading my devotional, and it felt like it made sooo much sense. I just love when your reading a devo and it speaks right to you, like it was meant perfectly for that day!
" I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13"
I have everything I need. I want want all the time, but God knows whats best for me, and is providing for me! I shall not be selfish! I am strong! Thank Heavens!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Homeward bound!
Well I'm officially the manager at Emporia Fitness. After learning pretty much everything I didn't know these past couple of weeks, the old manager's last official day was today. Wow, I'm in charge! : eeeek! Will be an interesting experience.
Listened to Con's teams' game tonight, even though he is out still after being hit by a pitch. Ready for him to get back in the game so I can listen to him playyyyy! :D I like supportin him and cheerin him on miles and miles away! Wish I were there everyday to watch!
Have a safe and relaxing Memorial Weekend!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Play time for the Bud!
"There are days when we feel like all we do is wait. Wait for the game to get over, the flight to get in, the rain to stop, the season to end, and a change in circumstances...wait, wait, wait. The productive days in our Christian life are usually when we are doing. Listening to a friend, sending a card to comfort or encourage someone, serving others by putting them first, deciding to make the most of the day and see how God can use us. Taking the focus off what we are waiting on and moving ahead with what the day brings can be of greater benefit not only in our life, but also in the lives of those we touch. Think of all of the things God says He wants us to do: love others, serve, be patient, be compassionate, be selfless, seek Him, be pure, be forgiving, live as forgiven women, tell others about Jesus - to name just a few. There are so many desires God has for our lives. Finding them is not difficult; He has written them in the Bible. Applying them can be another story."
I read this today in my devotional I read each day. I thought whoah, so true! Stop waiting and start doing! Even when busy days can sometimes stress me out, it means I'm working and doing something I enjoy and helping others! And that's what I want to do! Be patient, Be compassionate, Be selfless! And sometimes I have to work on that! But I thank God for all the wonderful things He has put into my life to keep me busy, and try not to wait.
Monday, May 24, 2010
So it's only Monday, poo. Busy Busy Busy day today though! So kinda goes fast, but then makes it feel like it should atleast be Wednesday. I wish! Ready for weekend! Trip HOME!!! Conner played baseball game tonight, and got hit by a pitch! Those crumy pitchers, if I could only get my hands on them. Ha, but hope he is ok! Can't take care of him so many miles away! I have to take care of his replacement, Buddy. Haha, Oh I love you Buddy! He makes a good replacement, they sorta act alike! ;) Hehehahaha

Saturday, May 22, 2010
What a week. Just a lot of catching up and little things that had to be done. And today was a nice day of not having to work and just catch up on things in the apartment and spend time with Buddy!!! It's getting hot outside though now! Today suppose to be in 90's and windy. Bud and I jogged to tennis courts to play ball and didn't last long before he was hot and tired! Ha poor guy!
So a friend of mine sent me this awesome link, made just for me at the moment! It's called Baseball Chapel and has this awesome awesome devotional page for wives and gf's of major and minor league baseball players! I can relate to so many of them and always just good to hear others devotionals and what they are going through as well. Times can be tough sometimes but must always trust in God that he knows our plans. And this site helps me a lot! Check it out, I think lots of people could relate to them! http://www.baseballchapel.org/index.cfm?FuseAction=Devotionals&CFID=20859274&CFToken=39591582
Well tomorrow is Sunday...I have a date with what I like to call my "gym bf" or the older guy-in late 60's...- who likes to take care of me. We're in the same situation, our significant others are out of town. But we are going to church together and then out for breakfast. So will be a great morning! :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Catch up!
Friends are so amazing! Love my girls! Emily is in town visiting for the night and staying. Great catching up with everyone lately! Don't know what I'd do without them! :O
So it is already Wedneday night, I feel a day behind cause I was in Chicago on Monday and not work. Which is great weekend that much closer! Ready for weekend and relax some! Catch up more like it....can we say laundry!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I am Great!
I can do anything! I am beautiful!
So can you, and so are you! :O
Friday, May 14, 2010
Play Ball!!!!
Trip in last night went perfect! Conner met me perfect timing at airport and got in ok! Traveled home to his bro's house where we are staying! There's nothing like seeing your significant other for the first time after you haven't seen them in so long! It's like falling in love all over again! Ahhh stop oooin and ahhhin! haha. We got up this morning and drove by where his field was, had some lunch and did a little shopping, then had to drop him off for practice at the field. That meant shopping for me! Trouble!!! haha. There are outlet stores and everything around here :D No bueno, haha. Lets just say I kept myself busy myself this afternoon no problem! And now eating and off to game!
TGIF! And that it is indeed! Go Cougars!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
So sittin in airport flying Southwest, same thing I flew last time I had a delay. Well right now have a 15 minute delay already!!! Let's hope that doesn't grow! Good thing quick easy flight! Will listen to the game until then! Boy somehow the days this week went real fast! I stayed way busy which helped a lot, but I hope they slow down a little now!!
Well going to people watch now! Everyone have a good weekend coming up!! :D
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Bye Buddy! :(
Well what a Hump Day Wednedsay! The storms are rolling in and hoping they are all getting out of the way right now! Tonight I had to pack my bags and get ready so I can leave right after work tomorrow. Buddy sure was a good helper! He said "Daddy I fit in the suitcase too!" He wants to sneak and come too! ;)
So excited for tomorrow and hope I get some sleep tonight! And hopefully work will go fast too! But poor Buddy has to go stay at the Heart Break Hotel (the vet) while I'm gone! He'll be in good hands though!
Well please keep me in your prayers for a safe trip, and nice weather! ;) I can't wait to see Conner and have a few days off! Fill you in later! :D
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
and Busy.....
At least tomorrow is Hump Day Wednesday! Probly be another hectic day though. Oh well whatever it takes to get to Thursday night!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Busy Busy Busy
Read a little about the huge oil spill going on in the Gulf in Time magazine today. It's pretty crazy whats going on!! And wondering what's going to eventually happen and how much money this will cost us! Boy I think we've put the President to a lot of work this term! Blah
Boy did it rain tonight! Well I guess it kinda did all day but tonight, it poured! I had to go over to someones house for a Wellness Presentation I was giving and just sat in my car for a bit, trying to wait for the rain at least to die down a bit before I had to run into the house. I thought it was never going to let up, and well it didn't until I got in the house. Of course. Nice little storm we had and I think it's suppose to do more later tonight. Kinda nice Springy weather. Made for pretty rainbows!!!
Well tomorrow is only Tuesday, but should be busy too! So hopefully goes as fast as it did today!
I think I'll sleep well tonight! :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day
Back to work tomorrow, but another day closer to Chicago trip! Ready for that one! Hope everyone had a great weekend and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ahh great weekend at home. Great evening in, listened to Conner's game, nice job babe! And ready to get out to Chicago...5 days! And wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow! :D
Friday, May 7, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tomorrow is TGIF!!!!! Finally :D And next week I'll be in Chicago now! Ahhhh stuff to look forward too! Praying the weather is nice there next week. Last I looked at the forecast possible rain :S Let's hope the change that by next week! It is however so pretty outside tonight! Storm looks to be rolling in, lightening in the distance, cloudy and getting cool! Summer storms! But they did say maybe possible chance of golf ball sized hail! Let's hope not!
Hope everyone is having a good week, almost to the weekend. Spend time with Mom's! They sure are special! ;)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Just chillin'
A shout out to Dad aka Conner tonight! We love you! :D And of course miss your rough house playin! I wish everyone could see Buddy and I roller blading! Cause I'm pretty sure it's quite the site to see! hahah, I'd laugh! I laugh while doing it! And Buddy just loves it and goes nuts, especially with everything he see's!
Week is half way over, almost TGIF and can't wait! And what beautiful weather we have had lately!!! Golly could stay like this forever and I'd be alright with it! Except suppose to maybe rain now in the next couple of days.
"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them." Michael Jordan
"Instead of running away from your problem, run into it!" quote I heard on the Biggest Loser
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
9 Loooooong Days
Pretty typical day today. Running with Buddy this morning where we saw a rabbit and a cat! Which equals not good cause Bud wants to chase them, and I have to pull him, and pull him, and pull him! Running is starting to get frustrating. But I have to remember I'm mainly doing this so he gets the good exercise, not me. Gotta put the children before yourself! ;)
I'm so ready for summer, lake, vacations, sun! Please come soon! If it can't be summer tomorrow let it be at least next week. haha. Ok no more complaining, I'll try not to think about it so much! Adios
Monday, May 3, 2010
10 days
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYTRn_96ilc Love Bear Grylls!
Can't complain about the weather right now! When I want to complain about everything else, I just can't complain about how nice it has been outside these last couple of days! The sun is gorgeous! Keep on shinin!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Breathe of fresh air
Listened to Conner's game this afternoon! He hit well, but they lost! Then just caught up on laundry and the usual Sunday tasks. Nothing too exciting, but was nice! I sat out on the patio deck outside my apartment tonight. So peaceful, listening to the birds, watching the sun go down. Heavenly!
I was reading the church bulletin I got and it had a good little poem/insert I would like to share.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Runners High
I managed to get first place in the girls and beat my time from last year! :D I was shocked and amazed and happy! It was a difficult run, I could tell I was running faster, especially at the end and the big hill, which we like to call Miss America! My mom got to climb Miss America for the first time, and probably last in the 2 mile walk! I was soooo proud of her!!! :) So glad my mom and I could do something together and for a good cause.
My parents, the dogs, and I got to hang out and chill for the rest of the day! Was nice to just catch up with them and be in there presence! Love them to pieces and love how they always support me! And Buddy loves playing with my dad, or shall I say wrestling. Conner would be glad he was getting some rough play in! ;)
Got to hang out with some friends tonight to top of the day and now home with Buddy and ready for bed! Glad tomorrow is Sunday and nothing planned! A day to catch up and do whatever!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Crazy stormy weather we had last night! The rain was pelting on the window last night and woke little Budster up, which woke me up then! Good little thunderstorm. I wanted to see the radar so turned the TV on and looked, then had to make a buzz through the channels. Boy do they have some "great" info-mercials on TV these days. I had to laugh!
Can't believe today is the last day of April and tomorrow is May Day! Crazy how this year if flying by! Soo ready for summer though. Warm weather all the time. Although this cool weather doesn't always feel so bad. Well better get ready and get some good rest! Even though I don't really sleep in anways, I suppose tomorrow will be the morning I'm sleeping good and have to get up!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Ok tired early tonight! Bed time! TGIF tomorrrrrrrrrrrrow! :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Work for something. Strive for something. Set a goal.
Live life. Enjoy life. Love life.
Surround yourself with the people who care. Smile at strangers. Care for others.
Pray. Rejoice. Love.
Make a difference!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
"Old" Friends
So go out there, talk to someone knew! Smile, you never know who is watching you. Make a new friend, no matter how young or old. Just share stories with someone, because there is so much out there you don't know about that others do! You could be that special guardian angel to someone too!
P.S...inspire others! I was watching Biggest Loser tonight also, and boy that Jillian! She is one tough cookie, and I love it! She inspires me to want to inspire others to change their lives! Anyone can do anything, why not?!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Prayer Request
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOMMY!!!!! I think she's going backwards in age ;) Love you!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Back to normal
Had to work a few hours today to help make up for being gone last couple of days. I really love my job! I know this because I almost missed being at the gym, in my element. Just like to know things are being run smoothly and I feel better when I'm there. It of course is always in good hand, but I just love what I do!
Monday tomorrow. I hope the week goes fast, probly move slow though. Ready for the weekend and the rents and Cosmo are coming to town. The John Blaufuss 5K run is this Saturday and will be doing that again this year. Just a fun run! Then hang out with the fam will be oh so nice! :) And each day that goes by is a day closer to visiting Conner in Chicago! Can not wait!!!! May get here already!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Traveling....with a passion!
Sure have enjoyed my time in Phoenix and learned SOOOO much! I loved Juice Plus before, but after learning so much more about the product and everything in general... I just want to shout to the world GET ON JUICE PLUS! It's the research and the proven evidence that they will actually show you! Yes, most products don't show the actual science and research behind it. But Juice Plus is not afraid to show you the proof and studies!
What have I noticed most in Juice Plus for myself?! Well I didn't get sick, not even a simple cold, ALL WINTER!!! My immune system just feels on top of the world! And that speaks a lot for working in a most likely germy gym facility. And another thing....I sleep so good at night! I fall asleep fast and I feel refreshed every morning! I get through the day and don't drag as much! If you have questions about it, just ask!
So enough on that. Just a great trip and good to get out of Kansas, heard it rained a lot so was nice to get away from that. But it rained and was cool a day here too! Of course my luck again you go to where its suppose to be sunny and hot and its cool and rainy! Back to Kansas and my baby Buddy! He's been in good hands but I think he's ready to see his momma! :) And back to work tomorrow for a bit. But atleast can sleep in a little and relax. Adjust back to the time change!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I wanted to cry leaving my baby Buddy! He is truely my baby! He is in good hands though, but will be missed! It's suppose to rain the rest of the week in Kansas so glad these are the few days I will be gone! Will stay busy though throughout the trip! Well going to go people watch now! Check ya'll later!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Anyways... tomorrow am leaving for Phoenix, AZ! AHhhh. Juice Plus convention which will be pretty busy the whole time, but will be fun to learn new things and get out of Kansas for sure!!! Can't blame me there! I mean I'd rather be headed to Chicago to visit Conner, which is coming mid May, but this will have to do for a vacation for now.
I think Buddy can tell I am leaving. He seemed sad while I was packing my suitcase. It's like he knows his momma is going to be gone and it breaks my heart! :( My baby!
I hope to be able to keep up daily on the blog still, but maybe hard, so don't get you hearts broken if I miss, sorry! Have a good Hump Day tomorrow!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
In 2 weeks there is a 5K run here in Emporia that I will be participating in. I did it for the first time last year and really enjoyed it. It's not really a race for me, but a fun run to accomplish something truely for myself! We should all set small goals like this, to accomplish something fun, yet challenging! :)
Sunday today and now back to Monday tomorrow. Will be a hectic week I feel but will be heading for Phoenix on Wednesday for a convention! Ahhhh warm weather and sun non stop, but will be working some too. But will be out of Kansas! :D
Conner got player of the game today too! Gotta be proud of the boyfriend and brag a little! ;)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
blah blah
Going to be a beautiful Sunday, get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine! :D
Friday, April 16, 2010
Later today I go in to work and there are flowers sitting there waiting for me and Ali. I'm thinking well these aren't from Conner ;) so hmm. Well they were from a clients husband that Ali and I have been training and today was her last day. Gratitude! They were so pretty and bright, made the gloomy day sunny all of a sudden, but just so thoughtful. Once again, felt a little better.
Afternoon rolls along and we are getting ready to train our client for the final time during the challenge and she came with gifts for us. Gratitude! It was so thoughtful of her to do what she did. We were just doing our jobs and wanting to help a very lovely young lady who was wanting to change her life to a healthy lifestyle, which is rewarding enough to us. So thoughtful, and she did an amazing job through her challenge! ;)
So I love my job. It always brings something exciting each and every day. You never know what could happen! It's so rewarding when you can help impact a person's life! :D
Ahh it is Friday, and now for a relaxing weekend! Thank you! Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The power of prayer!
A friend of mines sister is in the hospital having open heart surgery today. All she is asking for is prayer, to help her safely make it through. She was hoping for a new heart, but God's plan wasn't ready for that yet. So we pray, to help her down the road, eventually find a heart! Because all she wants is a heart, get better, and then share her story and God's word with others! Wow!
I prayed for family and friends. The people closest to me. For Buddy, everyday, that I come home and he is safely in his cage, waiting for me to play with him. My friend Karly is getting ready to go to Peru for a missions trip. She is asking for donations, but also asking just for prayer! What a woman! ;)
It's not hard, give it a try! Prayer is much needed in our lives and just setting time aside to talk to God can make you feel so much better! "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 I am always needing reminding of that.
Tomorrow is finally Friday! TGIF! I wish I could be in Chicago with the rest of Conner's family hanging out with him and watching him play ball, and I wish I could go home and visit family and friends and just hang out, and I wish and want many things, but I can not complain, because I am blessed with soooo many things that I am very thankful for and am SO lucky for what I have! Have a good Friday!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Only sad thing is leaving my poor puppy dog :( Poor Buddy! He's trying to play ball with me now, while we listen to Conner play ball on the computer! He likes ball! He taught Conner everything he knows! ;) I felt bad this morning. I needed a day off from running and some cross training so did cardio in the gym today. Buddy was up and ready for a run though this morning. He wasn't use to not going. Sorry Bud, we will go tomorrow! But we went and played at the tennis courts instead!
Well this week is slowly approaching the weekend! Thank goodness I'm ready! :D
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Movin too fast....
So live life to the fullest. Be stupid once in awhile and have fun. There are many steps to be takin out there, take them one by one. I just gotta keep telling myself that :)
Today is only Tuesday, I feel like it should be at least Thursday. Ugh week not even half over yet! I started training a new client tonight. Been awhile since I've trained somebody new again. Just had the same people for quite awhile. So fun to torture somebody new again! :) Take it out on them a little! Take out the explosive headache I've had all day which got worse as day went on. But starting to get better, which is good, cause time for bed!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Think about it....
It's Monday, I don't have anything too exciting going on right now, so I put up a quote. I just Googled quote of the day and this was one of them and I liked it. Think about it.... Madonna is a smart lady ;)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Buddy and I went on a run then in the afternoon. I got him a harness so he did much much much better!!! A little warmer today than he was use to. So he is dog gon tired now! Sleep good tonight! :) I will too! I'm pooped!
Back to Monday tomorrow :S Poo on that as well! Hope everyone has a good week!
The Love Birds
This is Buddy and Bella in the making! They are so cute and a little naughty! ;) But totally in love with each other. Sad day today seperating best friends!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Buddy and Bella
Buddy and Bella sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! They are so cute together! They run and play and share toys and miss each other when one leaves! I think Nat's and I decided we must move together so our dogs can be together! So fun!
Today was a fun day. Natalie of course up early though because our pups needed out! So off to an early start. We then chilled on the front porch, such a beautiful day out! Had to enjoy it! Then a chill rest of the morning and off to get some sun at the baseball/softball games. Sure did enjoy that. Plus got to listen to Conner's game as well! :) Then off to the tennis match later in the day where we all went, including the pups, for a bit. And now getting ready for some girls night out! Girls just wanna have fun!
Friday, April 9, 2010
My girls!
Well Saturday tomorrow and will be a fun day as well. Going to get outdoors and catch some rays and watch some more sporting events and enjoy each others company before we got out for the night! Girl power! :D Wish some more of the girls were here though too :O
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Dollar Bill
Today was a tiring day. Up early to go running with Buddy, which he is getting difficult to run with. He loves it, but loves wondering around too! I'm constantly calling his name for him doing something whether sniffin something or wanting to wander off into the street, or bark at someone. He's just protective and curious I guess. He'll get better. But boy a good runner! He's going to make me faster! We're going to get a harness this weekend, that will make it easier. Then off to work all day and teaching spin class at noon. So my legs are done until tomorrow! Sleep in a bit longer then take the Bud out! He knows now in the mornings thats what we're doing. I get this jacket out everytime and when he see's me going for it he knows what we're doing!! Funny how smart dogs are!
Almost TGIF!!!!!!! :D
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Oh Buddy!
He makes me smile! Keeps me company! And is my best "Bud". They say your pet can be your best workout partner and that's for sure. He runs fast, and can for a long time! So he pushes me! He's my cuddle bunny! He snuggles so good at night! Heck he snuggles everytime I sit in the chair whether I'm eating, watching TV, or on the computer. We run, we play, he plays with his toys, it's so funny. He lays on his back and rolls around and I can't help but giggle how he acts. He'll get up and shake his brains out with a toy in his mouth. He's just a special dog!
Tomorrow is already Thursday, kinda nice not having to work on Monday, making the week go faster! Ahhhh! Looking forward to the weekend and having a special visit from Natalie, former roommate, teammate! Be a great girls weekend, with our pups too! Get to watch some great ESU tennis action! Hope the weather is nice and sunny!!! Come on weekend get here already!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Trust & Faith
Confident expectation of something; hope.
Faith: belief that is not based on proof.
The obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.
What do you have without these two things? Disbelief... doubt, and what good is that?! Nothing! These are two important things we need most in our lives and we must rely on God for them! We must look to him and trust in him with our future, that he knows best, and have faith that He is leading us on the right path. Because without trust and faith, we will get lost in life. Even though we may think at moments things are hard, wrong, or tough, believe in Him! Life's not always easy....that's a part of the amazing experience.
Each year I wonder to myself where will I be headed, where am I going to go and will be doing? But I don't worry, because I know it always works out. It will always be a new adventure on my path in life. Down a long and whindy road. But I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at. I think I've found my calling for now. So that is reassuring some what.
Monday, April 5, 2010
I am so blessed in so many ways. Sometimes we have to count our blessings. So many wonderful people in my life that care for me and take care of me and always there for me! How did I get so lucky? Just a great weekend being around family! And being able to spend time with Conner, even though it was short, it sure was sweet! He made it safely to Chicago and is starting to settle in already. I'm so excited for him and his season soon to start! I just love listening to his games, even though I'm always on the edge of my seat here at home. You make me nervous Conner! But I'm just so grateful for him! I'm already starting to plan my first trip out to the Windy City! ;)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Saturday, Saturday!!
Had an Easter meal here at home today since will be gone tomorrow! Mom does such a good job always with the turkey! Boy was it soooooo good! :) She thinks she's a bad cook, but she does real good!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend!
Friday, April 2, 2010
My Person!!
TGIF! Made it home safely to the Bend tonight and chillin with the family for a bit. Always feels good to be home!
Happy Easter Weekend!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Girls Night!
So Tuesday morning I had to wear pants and thermal top to run, this morning shorts and a t-shirt and boy did it feel good! The sun is rising earlier, so saw the sunset perfectly this morning! Soooo pretty! If everybody could start there day like that, I think we'd be a little less grouchy! ;)
Tomorrow finally Friday! TGIF!!! The weekend shall have some fun things instore, keep you posted later! ;) But can't wait! Celebrate Easter Sunday as well! Enjoy your weekend!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Getting warmer....
Felt good running outside this morning with my workout and playing some tennis ball with Bud! Work was work, kept busy which makes the day go faster, and that is nice! Our presentation went so good last night, and people having questions today. So glad to help!
Well missing Conner a lot but he had an amazing opportunity today! He got to suit up for a Oakland A's spring training game! He got in during the 9th inning and played second base, helping out getting a double play, and then even came up to bat and hit out to first base. Wow what a cool thing! I know Conner your sick of hearing it, but it's pretty neat for us fans! :) Love you!
Well wish tomorrow was Friday, but at least it's Thursday! Weekend get here already!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
This morning Buddy and I went running on our usual path we take. I have to tug on him sometimes to get away from crud on the ground or something, a usual task. But today I tugged and his collar came off. Not only came off, I go to put it back on and it was broken! Ahh, and come to find out, I'm the fartest I could possibly be on the path we usually run, and I have to carry him home! All 24 pounds of him! So I guess I got my workout in doing that! haha, funny story, so back up collar back home.
So what amazing weather we are having, except stubborn Kansas wind! But 80's tomorrow! ahhh love that! Spring is in the air! Literally, I guess allergies are bad around here, I'm lucky not to have that problem right now! So go take in some fresh air! :)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ahhhh sun!
Ahh the sun came out today and was warm and felt GREAT! Let's hope that it stays out now! Love how the days are getting longer! And it's beautiful sleeping weather, not too cold, not to hot, just right! Buddy likes too! ;)
Well early morning so early to bed. What a moon tonight too! A nice BIG full moon! So pretty! God's wonderful gifts he gives to us!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Where did the weekend go?!
Tired and have to get up at 4:30 a.m. to go teach spin class at work! A morning nap sounds great already with Buddy! So cuttin it short tonight!
The sun will be out tomorrow, so don't frown it's Monday...embrace it! :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Picture Perfect
Friday, March 26, 2010
I always wanted to win something BIG like that. Some kind of a championship in any sport or anything! Never did win State in high school or anything like that. Were Regional champs in tennis in high school and regional champs here at ESU in tennis. But I wanted the big RING! Ha! I want I want I want, but I did not need! God gave me the amazing opportunities to play many sports with many teammates and learn many things! I always had such an amazing time growing up! I'm so grateful and thankful for that!
TGIF! Oh thank gosh!!! So glad it's the weekend and tomorrow don't really have anything I have to do, which is a change for once. The next couple of days after tomorrow will be quite busy! So I really hope it doesn't rain Saturday!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Our bodies are our temples and we must take care of ourselves! There's so many things we can do, with first off exercising and eating right. I grew up being active, I can't really remember not being up and doing something. I was lucky that my parents kept me involved in whatever activities that I wanted and supported me so much along the way. Also that I followed my older brothers footsteps and wanted to be like him and athletic. Except I can school him now in everything ;)"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? So use every part of your body to give glory back to God." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Exercise means so much to me in more than ways than one. It's part of my career and what I want to be involved in. I love working in the gym and teaching classes and helping others reach their fitness goals. I personally love the feeling of exercising! That high you can get after you are done and accomplished something! The way your body can be so sore after a hard days work, sweating buckets during a workout, seeing improvements in strength, and so much more!
And you can't have exercise without eating right! Your body needs fuel and that fuel being food! Think about it as a car, you don't want to put bad fuel or diesel in your unleaded car do you?! You want it to run right! Same with our bodies, you want to feed it healthy nutritous foods to give it the most energy! The better we eat, the better we feel.
I must admit it has been a lot easier to eat right with Conner being gone, sorry hun. But I just don't allow for the temptations in my apartment, or go out to eat very often. I can choose what I want each day. So I've been eating better these past 2 weeks and its amazing how better I feel already. Cutting out sugars makes the world of difference! And eating more fruits and vegetables are so mmm mmm good!
So just remember this, there's lots of ways you can take care of your body, exercising, eating right, being careful of our actions each day, making smart decisions, buckling up when we drive, wearing sunscreen, yada yada yada. It's up to you! Your body is a temple!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
So started out my run with Buddy, he's always so excited. I don't run with my ipod or any music. Just listen to my surroundings, pay attention to Buddy and talk to him. (no I don't look weird talking to my dog, I mean talk like "Buddy over here...") Mainly it's my time to reflect on life, what's going on, clear my mind. Such a peaceful time. Listening to the birds, breathing in fresh air, feeling the burn in my legs, getting that exercise high. And it makes me feel even better yet that Buddy just loves it! Except those darn birds!!! Running by the pond and seeing birds fly off the water! Can it get any better than that?!
I think about life. How I enjoy Emporia and like my job and my apartment, all to a point, but wonder if it's all too comfortable? I'm young, I should be doing things now! Exploring life and whats out there! What is out there?! Am I missing out?! Hmm I may never know, and I will never know till I explore it. God knows though, the big man upstairs! He knows my plans and I will follow his lead! I will trust in him, about everything! I must! So what shall I do next in life???
The point is get outside! Any time of day, it's beautiful! Go running! You'll get so many amazing things from it! If not running, go walking! The point...get some exercise and love life a little!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Bath Time
After being pretty dirty from being in his cage and slobberin some, and going on a run this morning and kinda soggy in spots, Bud was dirty! So we had a bath today when I got home from work. Daddy usually gives him his bathes but not today. So nice outside he won't get cold when drying off. So perfect day for bath time!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Today I went into work and painted all afternoon. Was good, kept myself busy and doing something. Even though it's the weekend and I usually want to get out of the place I am 80% of the time, I still wanted to be in there doing something. Instead of sittin around and moopin. Plus I like the money. Work will be busy this week having a speaker come in next week. So excited about though and will be so good!
There was a new show on TV tonight called "Food Nation" just describing a poor food choices our country is making. We are the worst! We are educated so young and in schools and they show this on the show. It will be on Friday nights on ABC! Make me want to keep doing what I"m doing! Trying to educate people on how valuable their health is and we must doing something about! Value your health, value your bodies!!! Enjoy this SUNSHINE and get outdoors! Be healthy :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
First day of spring?!
I sure hope the sun comes out tomorrow, cause it did not today. KU lost, crapy cold weather, what more could happen. Haha. Buddy and I have been cuddled up all evening and will snuggle up in bed tonight, should be good sleeping weather! The sun will come out tomorrow!......
Friday, March 19, 2010
Today was fun at work. We are training a lady that won a contest for the paper and receives free personal training at our gym. So me and the manager are doing it. I do more cardio with her and today we did some fun kickboxing, kenpo stuff! I felt like a real trainer tonight for some reason. Just made up a good program that definitely got her heart pumpin and it was fun and active. Oh I just love those great days at work!
TGIF, enjoy the weekend! :D
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Today I had my massage that Conner got me for Valentines Day. It was awesomely amazing and relaxing! I love the feeling you have when you are done, just on a high! I haven't had a full body massage in many years, so felt great! When I got home I took Buddy on a car ride to go play at the tennis courts. He loves car rides and I had the windows down so he could stick his head out the window! Who wouldn't love doing that, the breeze in your hair, or in his case ears! Like your flying! He's a smart dog, we should all do that!
This morning Buddy and I got up before the sun was up and went on our run. A little chillier this morning that the other day! But sun was starting to come up by the end and was nice! Refreshing! But toooo many birds! Buddy loves birds!! That brittany dog in him definitely comes out! He wants to chase them and catch them and he comes close sometimes too!
Well tomorrow is finally TGIF!! Thank goodness! No big plans. Work on Saturday. Tonight was a bummer, I was so excited to come home and finish with my relaxing evening with some TV shows I enjoy, but not on tonight, March Madness instead. Go KU!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Most of you know I am selling Juice Plus. I'm not only selling it but passionate about what it can do for you. They put fruits and vegetables in a pill! It can't get much easier than that! So many health benefits come from it, you must check out the website to see for yourself! http://www.audreyshermanjuiceplus.com
Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather. We are to get snow on Saturday. Seems crazy, but live in Kansas! Expect the unexpected!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Is it Friday yet?!
I'm tired and another day to come tomorrow. Nothing too exciting today kinda quiet with Conner gone, but we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday Monday
So off to work then, and a busy day it was. My manager was gone to the ESU basketball game which meant I had to do her work, and my own work and more! So busy busy afternoon. Training and teaching classes and boom I guess the day did go fast anyways! That's a plus. Then home and man the sun was still out even when I got off work, even though it was 7:30, ahhh the plus side of daylight savings. So I got Buddy and felt bad for him and wanted him to exercise so we ran to the tennis courts again and played ball then ran home. Ok ok I'm spoiling my baby, but atleast I'm spoiling him with something healthy :D The great thing was that the sun was setting on our way home and it was just soooo beautiful! I haven't seen the sun set in so long because I'm always stuck at work or doing something else. So Buddy took me on the perfect date :D So nothing too exciting for today, but still thankful for my wonderful day!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
BBBBennie and the Jets
Today was a good Sunday. Buddy and I slept in, way late ;) since it was daylight savings. Ha, then we went on a good run around the high school near by. Felt so good and Buddy loves it! After we ran he of course was not out of gas yet so we went to the tennis courts and thew the ball around a bit. He just loves it! While we were running there is a little pond near by. Two geese flew over us squakin and landed onto the pond. Ahhh what a reminder of Spring is in the air! Just amazing signs of the outdoors that God has givin us! And Buddy loves any kind of bird, he chases them! I can't wait till the squirrels come out :S
We cleaned the apartment and ran errands together all afternoon. It was our day together before the big week of him being stuck in his crate while I'm at work. Poor guy. So a good Sunday. Lots are enjoying Spring Break this week so will be busy for me making up for their hours at work. Had a great talk with one of my best friends, Emily, tonight. I miss all my girls! Always fun to daydream about things together that we wish could happen. ;) Well getting tired, even though it should feel like an hour earlier.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
It's daylight savings time tonight (2 a.m.) so now losing an hour. My mom and I were talking, we actually lose an hour of life, I know we eventually get it back in the Fall when we go back an hour, but she said, what if we don't make it to the next daylight savings time and we actually lose an hour of life! Just a thought to put in your head. Haha. So use your time wisely!
It sure is quiet around the apartment with Conner gone! A lot different and will take time to get use to. Boy I wish I was in Sunny Arizona with the nice weather! It's a bit chilly here still! Can't wait till summer! It will feel better tomorrow when the days start to feel longer with the sun going down later!
So last thought of the day here, this morning I was getting ready in the bathroom and Buddy always hangs around me. He's been craving playing ball lately, can't get enough of it. So I'm blow drying my hair and playing ball with Bud at the same time. Well he comes back in and drops his ball into the trash can. Luckly I just dumped it this morning. But he stares up at me like Mom what do I do?! I just had to giggle and then he ended up being able to reach his nose in and get the ball out. He's too funny. A personality of his own for sure! I just feel like he is looking out for me, like somehow he knew me in another life. He just loves staying around me wherever I go! But it's great having a companion like him :D
Friday, March 12, 2010
Day 1
I've decided to start writing a blog for myself and for others to know what is going on currently in my life. I'm not too exciting, but I'm not too boring either. Just livin life.
Today I dropped off Conner at the airport for Spring Training in Arizona. This basically means 6 whole months of being away from each other! We have a unique, yet amazing relationship. It's so strong and I couldn't be happier. Not all people could go from being around each other nonstop for 6 months, to being away and long distance for 6 months. But we are strong and we know we can work through it. Have you seen the guns we carry ;) I mean muscles. I'm so so so excited for him and what he's about to start, and can not wait to go watch him play and visit!!! Love you! :)
Well it is a new adventure. Me and Buddy here at the apartment in good ole Emporia! I think I will have a lot more free time now since Conner is gone, but still do stay busy with work and Bud. But I feel like I will have some new adventures throughout this summer! Try new things, enjoy life and it's many many blessings!
Day 1, over and out!