Friday, May 28, 2010
Homeward bound!
Well I'm officially the manager at Emporia Fitness. After learning pretty much everything I didn't know these past couple of weeks, the old manager's last official day was today. Wow, I'm in charge! : eeeek! Will be an interesting experience.
Listened to Con's teams' game tonight, even though he is out still after being hit by a pitch. Ready for him to get back in the game so I can listen to him playyyyy! :D I like supportin him and cheerin him on miles and miles away! Wish I were there everyday to watch!
Have a safe and relaxing Memorial Weekend!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Play time for the Bud!
"There are days when we feel like all we do is wait. Wait for the game to get over, the flight to get in, the rain to stop, the season to end, and a change in circumstances...wait, wait, wait. The productive days in our Christian life are usually when we are doing. Listening to a friend, sending a card to comfort or encourage someone, serving others by putting them first, deciding to make the most of the day and see how God can use us. Taking the focus off what we are waiting on and moving ahead with what the day brings can be of greater benefit not only in our life, but also in the lives of those we touch. Think of all of the things God says He wants us to do: love others, serve, be patient, be compassionate, be selfless, seek Him, be pure, be forgiving, live as forgiven women, tell others about Jesus - to name just a few. There are so many desires God has for our lives. Finding them is not difficult; He has written them in the Bible. Applying them can be another story."
I read this today in my devotional I read each day. I thought whoah, so true! Stop waiting and start doing! Even when busy days can sometimes stress me out, it means I'm working and doing something I enjoy and helping others! And that's what I want to do! Be patient, Be compassionate, Be selfless! And sometimes I have to work on that! But I thank God for all the wonderful things He has put into my life to keep me busy, and try not to wait.
Monday, May 24, 2010
So it's only Monday, poo. Busy Busy Busy day today though! So kinda goes fast, but then makes it feel like it should atleast be Wednesday. I wish! Ready for weekend! Trip HOME!!! Conner played baseball game tonight, and got hit by a pitch! Those crumy pitchers, if I could only get my hands on them. Ha, but hope he is ok! Can't take care of him so many miles away! I have to take care of his replacement, Buddy. Haha, Oh I love you Buddy! He makes a good replacement, they sorta act alike! ;) Hehehahaha

Saturday, May 22, 2010
What a week. Just a lot of catching up and little things that had to be done. And today was a nice day of not having to work and just catch up on things in the apartment and spend time with Buddy!!! It's getting hot outside though now! Today suppose to be in 90's and windy. Bud and I jogged to tennis courts to play ball and didn't last long before he was hot and tired! Ha poor guy!
So a friend of mine sent me this awesome link, made just for me at the moment! It's called Baseball Chapel and has this awesome awesome devotional page for wives and gf's of major and minor league baseball players! I can relate to so many of them and always just good to hear others devotionals and what they are going through as well. Times can be tough sometimes but must always trust in God that he knows our plans. And this site helps me a lot! Check it out, I think lots of people could relate to them!
Well tomorrow is Sunday...I have a date with what I like to call my "gym bf" or the older guy-in late 60's...- who likes to take care of me. We're in the same situation, our significant others are out of town. But we are going to church together and then out for breakfast. So will be a great morning! :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Catch up!
Friends are so amazing! Love my girls! Emily is in town visiting for the night and staying. Great catching up with everyone lately! Don't know what I'd do without them! :O
So it is already Wedneday night, I feel a day behind cause I was in Chicago on Monday and not work. Which is great weekend that much closer! Ready for weekend and relax some! Catch up more like it....can we say laundry!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I am Great!
I can do anything! I am beautiful!
So can you, and so are you! :O
Friday, May 14, 2010
Play Ball!!!!
Trip in last night went perfect! Conner met me perfect timing at airport and got in ok! Traveled home to his bro's house where we are staying! There's nothing like seeing your significant other for the first time after you haven't seen them in so long! It's like falling in love all over again! Ahhh stop oooin and ahhhin! haha. We got up this morning and drove by where his field was, had some lunch and did a little shopping, then had to drop him off for practice at the field. That meant shopping for me! Trouble!!! haha. There are outlet stores and everything around here :D No bueno, haha. Lets just say I kept myself busy myself this afternoon no problem! And now eating and off to game!
TGIF! And that it is indeed! Go Cougars!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
So sittin in airport flying Southwest, same thing I flew last time I had a delay. Well right now have a 15 minute delay already!!! Let's hope that doesn't grow! Good thing quick easy flight! Will listen to the game until then! Boy somehow the days this week went real fast! I stayed way busy which helped a lot, but I hope they slow down a little now!!
Well going to people watch now! Everyone have a good weekend coming up!! :D
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Bye Buddy! :(
Well what a Hump Day Wednedsay! The storms are rolling in and hoping they are all getting out of the way right now! Tonight I had to pack my bags and get ready so I can leave right after work tomorrow. Buddy sure was a good helper! He said "Daddy I fit in the suitcase too!" He wants to sneak and come too! ;)
So excited for tomorrow and hope I get some sleep tonight! And hopefully work will go fast too! But poor Buddy has to go stay at the Heart Break Hotel (the vet) while I'm gone! He'll be in good hands though!
Well please keep me in your prayers for a safe trip, and nice weather! ;) I can't wait to see Conner and have a few days off! Fill you in later! :D
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
and Busy.....
At least tomorrow is Hump Day Wednesday! Probly be another hectic day though. Oh well whatever it takes to get to Thursday night!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Busy Busy Busy
Read a little about the huge oil spill going on in the Gulf in Time magazine today. It's pretty crazy whats going on!! And wondering what's going to eventually happen and how much money this will cost us! Boy I think we've put the President to a lot of work this term! Blah
Boy did it rain tonight! Well I guess it kinda did all day but tonight, it poured! I had to go over to someones house for a Wellness Presentation I was giving and just sat in my car for a bit, trying to wait for the rain at least to die down a bit before I had to run into the house. I thought it was never going to let up, and well it didn't until I got in the house. Of course. Nice little storm we had and I think it's suppose to do more later tonight. Kinda nice Springy weather. Made for pretty rainbows!!!
Well tomorrow is only Tuesday, but should be busy too! So hopefully goes as fast as it did today!
I think I'll sleep well tonight! :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day
Back to work tomorrow, but another day closer to Chicago trip! Ready for that one! Hope everyone had a great weekend and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ahh great weekend at home. Great evening in, listened to Conner's game, nice job babe! And ready to get out to Chicago...5 days! And wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow! :D
Friday, May 7, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tomorrow is TGIF!!!!! Finally :D And next week I'll be in Chicago now! Ahhhh stuff to look forward too! Praying the weather is nice there next week. Last I looked at the forecast possible rain :S Let's hope the change that by next week! It is however so pretty outside tonight! Storm looks to be rolling in, lightening in the distance, cloudy and getting cool! Summer storms! But they did say maybe possible chance of golf ball sized hail! Let's hope not!
Hope everyone is having a good week, almost to the weekend. Spend time with Mom's! They sure are special! ;)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Just chillin'
A shout out to Dad aka Conner tonight! We love you! :D And of course miss your rough house playin! I wish everyone could see Buddy and I roller blading! Cause I'm pretty sure it's quite the site to see! hahah, I'd laugh! I laugh while doing it! And Buddy just loves it and goes nuts, especially with everything he see's!
Week is half way over, almost TGIF and can't wait! And what beautiful weather we have had lately!!! Golly could stay like this forever and I'd be alright with it! Except suppose to maybe rain now in the next couple of days.
"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them." Michael Jordan
"Instead of running away from your problem, run into it!" quote I heard on the Biggest Loser
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
9 Loooooong Days
Pretty typical day today. Running with Buddy this morning where we saw a rabbit and a cat! Which equals not good cause Bud wants to chase them, and I have to pull him, and pull him, and pull him! Running is starting to get frustrating. But I have to remember I'm mainly doing this so he gets the good exercise, not me. Gotta put the children before yourself! ;)
I'm so ready for summer, lake, vacations, sun! Please come soon! If it can't be summer tomorrow let it be at least next week. haha. Ok no more complaining, I'll try not to think about it so much! Adios
Monday, May 3, 2010
10 days Love Bear Grylls!
Can't complain about the weather right now! When I want to complain about everything else, I just can't complain about how nice it has been outside these last couple of days! The sun is gorgeous! Keep on shinin!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Breathe of fresh air
Listened to Conner's game this afternoon! He hit well, but they lost! Then just caught up on laundry and the usual Sunday tasks. Nothing too exciting, but was nice! I sat out on the patio deck outside my apartment tonight. So peaceful, listening to the birds, watching the sun go down. Heavenly!
I was reading the church bulletin I got and it had a good little poem/insert I would like to share.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Runners High
I managed to get first place in the girls and beat my time from last year! :D I was shocked and amazed and happy! It was a difficult run, I could tell I was running faster, especially at the end and the big hill, which we like to call Miss America! My mom got to climb Miss America for the first time, and probably last in the 2 mile walk! I was soooo proud of her!!! :) So glad my mom and I could do something together and for a good cause.
My parents, the dogs, and I got to hang out and chill for the rest of the day! Was nice to just catch up with them and be in there presence! Love them to pieces and love how they always support me! And Buddy loves playing with my dad, or shall I say wrestling. Conner would be glad he was getting some rough play in! ;)
Got to hang out with some friends tonight to top of the day and now home with Buddy and ready for bed! Glad tomorrow is Sunday and nothing planned! A day to catch up and do whatever!