Sunday, April 24, 2011
He Has Risen!
Today is Easter Sunday, the Lord has risen! What a glorious feeling this is. Church this morning was wonderful and really makes you think about life! Easter Sunday is always a beautiful service! The lilies were pretty too! :)

Lot's of new toys and lots of playing and we get home and he still has energy! We ran around and played some more. I think he'll sleep good though tonight once we lay down! Hopefully that will carry over into tomorrow and he'll be good boy while I'm at work! Back to Monday tomorrow. April is almost over and I don't know where it went, pretty fast! Thanks to all who made this weekend super fun and special!
The Easter Bunny did visit our house! Buddy was a very happy boy today! Gma and Gpa Crumbliss sent some goodies to start the weekend and finished off at Gma and Gpa Shermans! We sure had a wonderful weekend at GB! Wish it woulda been a bit warmer but at least the sun was out! Mom's birthday is on Tuesday so we sorta celebrated early with a girls day Saturday. We had a GOOOOOD Easter lunch today that was super yummy and leftovers in fridge now! :D Fun fun, weekends always go so fast. Buddy ruuuuns and plays outside and barks with the other dogs. If it was his choice he'd never come inside!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Conner!
A special Birthday message for Conner from Audrey and Buddy!
We miss you and wish more than anything we could be with you on your 24th birthday! We are in spirit however and know there are many more years to come to celebrate together!
Buddy has soooo enjoyed playing outside at the tennis courts lately, which I enjoy as well. I give him his giant tennis ball and he just runs all around. And then I get my workout in running around the courts not having to worry about him! He looooves it!
Buddy at Grandma and Grandpa's House playing in the backyard playing with his new ball! He likes the backyard!
This is Buddy's sleeping spot. It's morning and he won't get up! He's like "man it's dark outside still mama!" I have to drag him out of bed to take him out! :D
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Oh Life!
Oh life! Full of up's and down's always! I'm watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition on tv right now. It is a family from Wichita, KS! The dad played baseball at WSU and family a huge sports family. Part of the family was in a car accident and the father was injured and became paralized from the neck down. It truely makes you think about what your complaining about in life. What are your problems right now? This man makes the best of his situations now. He uses his humor and has a positive outlook on life. This family is deserving and is truely inspiring! So even though you have moments of weakness, sometimes you feel like things aren't going right, be thankful and glad for what you have. Cause it could be a whole lot worse! A chill weekend I've been spending with Buddy! Filled with lots of playing ball, relaxing, laundry and catching up on things around here. Excited for next weekend, Easter and going back home for a visit! Weather has been so so, starting to warm up every now and then, but stupid wind is awful it seems like all the time! Starting to feel more like Spring though and that excites me as well. What's even more exciting will be my visit to Conner next month. Gosh seems to far away right now!!! Can't wait to see him! :D Ending on a wonderful verse I read the other night...."If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand." Psalm 37:23-24 The Lord is always there to back you up. In your struggles and triumphs! Believe in Him to lead you down the path he has choosen for a reason! Sometimes the reason unknown and hard to understand at the time, yet will transfrom you into who and where you are meant to be.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Nerves & excitement
I'm sitting here in my normal recliner, Buddy laying on the end of it, watching the Biggest Loser! Love it! Conner is playing his first baseball game tonight as a Stockton Port! I am soooo excited his season is starting! Yet very nervous too. I'm thousands and thousands of miles away and all I want is to be in Stockton, watching him play! It's so nerve racking listening on the computer! :) But I love it! Baseball season has began! Tonight is just an exhibition game against the Triple-A team and tomorrow night as well. Thursday night will be there season opener! But it is on the internet radio right now and I'm so nervous! Can't even imagine how they are feeling! He is leading off and playing second! Praying for the best! Wahoooo lead off base hit! That a kid! :D I'm proud of my man! Well on another note. Weather is finally warming back up, let's hope it stays this way! Keeping super busy with work and working out and training! I feel like I'm non-stop during the day. Nice to come home in the evenings and relax a bit. Buddy has figured out how to escape out of his cage while I am gone at work. So now he stays out of his cage while I'm gone. I think about him all day then and worry! Sometimes when I come home he is just sitting in the bedroom looking out the window. Cracks me up! I wonder what he does all day long?! He does pretty well, I have changed blinds already, but that's partly my own fault. He's a good dog. I don't have holes in the furniture or anything...knock on wood! :) This weekend having a garage sale back in GB which should be fun. Let's pray for good weather, no rain! Selling a bunch of TV's, with new technology flat screen TV's are the thing, not those huge box ones. So have a bunch of them to get rid of. Cleaned house and closets and have a bunch of little things to get rid of. Money will then be going to "Wedding Funds". So let's hope for a good turnout! ;) Well time to tune into the game and listen. So proud of my fiance and all the accomplishments he already has had! He's such a hard worker and has such a passion for the game! He deserves all the best! Love you! Woof woof ruff (from Bud) On a final note....LET'S GO PORTS!
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