Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Well it has been an eventful day I'd say. Boy and only hump day! Ready for Friday, feels like tomorrow should be! I wish! :( So had a pretty simple normal day at work. Wasn't really too busy, kinda nice. Weather hot all day, starting to get a little cloudy late afternoon. Then it just started raining! Some guy rode his motorcyle to the gym, I was thinking duh it was kinda cloudy out before you came, you gambled coming and it not raining. Well rain picked up and all of a sudden pouring! Like literally...pouring buckets down! At E. Fit we just recently got this new gutter system which helps so water doesn't get inside the doors. Well its been working, until it couldn't handle it tonight. So water gushing in under the doors. Running around with towels and mops and soaking that up. Then all of a sudden a coworker said we were in a Tornado Warning! What?! I'm runnin all around and then start hearing the sirens going off! WHAT?! So check out the weather and sure enough there telling us to take cover! :S Eeek I'm warning everyone lets head to the womens locker room, I guess the safest place in this steal building! HA, like the worst place to be during a tornado I'd say is Emporia Fitness. Have you seen the 24 foot fan as well?! So get people in there, running around still trying to figure out whats going on. My stomach kinda sinks some, it didn't look or sound good. BUT finally starts to pass, eventually sirens turn off, and the sun breaks out. Crazy eventful evening for sure! This job always keeps me on my toes!
It was a slow evening from there, member wise, which was nice. Of course had to clean up water, under the tiles, from the water that got in through the doors. No bueno there! But the calm after the storm outside is so pretty now. Kansas weather, although destructive at times, it can sure be pretty too! It is so nice outside right now. Pleasantly beautiful!
So once again after so much going on today I feel like it should be another day at least Friday now. Come on! Trying to "patiently" wait for Sunday and Conner's arrival! Praying for no rain delay on his game that day and safe travels! I better keep working on my 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle I'm doing right now, I'm turning into my grandma already, but makes the time go fast, yet sometimes keeps me up too late! HA I thought it may help me get tired at night, but instead it stimulates the brain and wakes me up. haha :D

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