Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Getting warmer....

Ahhh this is the weather I've been waiting for. You wake up in the morning and go outside and it's perfect! Not too cold, just right, and warms up later in the day! Perfect! Now if it would just stay this way all the time that'd be nice! But's going to get awfully hot this summer! Wish the pool was open, I'd be tempted to lay out. haha.

Felt good running outside this morning with my workout and playing some tennis ball with Bud! Work was work, kept busy which makes the day go faster, and that is nice! Our presentation went so good last night, and people having questions today. So glad to help!

Well missing Conner a lot but he had an amazing opportunity today! He got to suit up for a Oakland A's spring training game! He got in during the 9th inning and played second base, helping out getting a double play, and then even came up to bat and hit out to first base. Wow what a cool thing! I know Conner your sick of hearing it, but it's pretty neat for us fans! :) Love you!

Well wish tomorrow was Friday, but at least it's Thursday! Weekend get here already!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well today is about to come to a close, and have been quite busy these past couple of days at work with a speaker we brought it. But all turned out great! She shared some amazing information with others about health/fitness/nutrition! I hope she inspired others, cause she sure did inspire me! To live a healthy and joyfull life! Put the effort in & you'll get so much in return!

This morning Buddy and I went running on our usual path we take. I have to tug on him sometimes to get away from crud on the ground or something, a usual task. But today I tugged and his collar came off. Not only came off, I go to put it back on and it was broken! Ahh, and come to find out, I'm the fartest I could possibly be on the path we usually run, and I have to carry him home! All 24 pounds of him! So I guess I got my workout in doing that! haha, funny story, so back up collar back home.

So what amazing weather we are having, except stubborn Kansas wind! But 80's tomorrow! ahhh love that! Spring is in the air! Literally, I guess allergies are bad around here, I'm lucky not to have that problem right now! So go take in some fresh air! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ahhhh sun!

Well got up nice and early to be in the gym by 5 a.m. Way too early if you ask me but made it through. Taught a wonderful spin class that woke me up nicely! I was done and leaving and it was still dark outside! HA. So went home sat down a bit and discovered I was tired again. So took a nice nap at 7 a.m. haha! Woke up and got around for work and had lunch about 9:30 a.m.! haha once again! Getting up that early just throws everything off! Then back off to work for afternoon.
Ahh the sun came out today and was warm and felt GREAT! Let's hope that it stays out now! Love how the days are getting longer! And it's beautiful sleeping weather, not too cold, not to hot, just right! Buddy likes too! ;)
Well early morning so early to bed. What a moon tonight too! A nice BIG full moon! So pretty! God's wonderful gifts he gives to us!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Where did the weekend go?!

I'm ready for next weekend and to go visit home! Enough said!

Tired and have to get up at 4:30 a.m. to go teach spin class at work! A morning nap sounds great already with Buddy! So cuttin it short tonight!

The sun will be out tomorrow, so don't frown it's Monday...embrace it! :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Picture Perfect

Tonight I was going to put up a picture on my blog cause I didn't really have much to say. But then I started lookin at all my past pictures from this last year and realized how much has happened and gone on. Just so many blessings and good memories all caught on film. Pictures are awesome! I use to always have my camera with me and take tons and tons of pics, but I have been slacking lately. So I need to start doing that again! Buddy has been my main focal point lately but I will try to explore more! A picture is worth a thousand words! So SMILE and take a pic! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010


Congrats to the ESU Lady Basketball team as they became National Champions tonight! What an amazing achievement and boy did that team have Faith! They always talked about that! In the semi finals game they were down by 18 points with 8 minutes to go and they did not give up! They had hope and faith in their team and came back and won!! They sure did believe tonight and had rewarding results! Watched the game at Bruffs with some girlfriends and just an awesome atmosphere!

I always wanted to win something BIG like that. Some kind of a championship in any sport or anything! Never did win State in high school or anything like that. Were Regional champs in tennis in high school and regional champs here at ESU in tennis. But I wanted the big RING! Ha! I want I want I want, but I did not need! God gave me the amazing opportunities to play many sports with many teammates and learn many things! I always had such an amazing time growing up! I'm so grateful and thankful for that!

TGIF! Oh thank gosh!!! So glad it's the weekend and tomorrow don't really have anything I have to do, which is a change for once. The next couple of days after tomorrow will be quite busy! So I really hope it doesn't rain Saturday!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? So use every part of your body to give glory back to God." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Our bodies are our temples and we must take care of ourselves! There's so many things we can do, with first off exercising and eating right. I grew up being active, I can't really remember not being up and doing something. I was lucky that my parents kept me involved in whatever activities that I wanted and supported me so much along the way. Also that I followed my older brothers footsteps and wanted to be like him and athletic. Except I can school him now in everything ;)

Exercise means so much to me in more than ways than one. It's part of my career and what I want to be involved in. I love working in the gym and teaching classes and helping others reach their fitness goals. I personally love the feeling of exercising! That high you can get after you are done and accomplished something! The way your body can be so sore after a hard days work, sweating buckets during a workout, seeing improvements in strength, and so much more!

And you can't have exercise without eating right! Your body needs fuel and that fuel being food! Think about it as a car, you don't want to put bad fuel or diesel in your unleaded car do you?! You want it to run right! Same with our bodies, you want to feed it healthy nutritous foods to give it the most energy! The better we eat, the better we feel.

I must admit it has been a lot easier to eat right with Conner being gone, sorry hun. But I just don't allow for the temptations in my apartment, or go out to eat very often. I can choose what I want each day. So I've been eating better these past 2 weeks and its amazing how better I feel already. Cutting out sugars makes the world of difference! And eating more fruits and vegetables are so mmm mmm good!

So just remember this, there's lots of ways you can take care of your body, exercising, eating right, being careful of our actions each day, making smart decisions, buckling up when we drive, wearing sunscreen, yada yada yada. It's up to you! Your body is a temple!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Buddy and I get up early every Tuesday and Thursday morning to go for a run, well except tomorrow morning probably because it's suppose to be rainy. My run the other morning was perfect. Sometimes I get up and I hate it cause it starts out cold, but you of course eventually warm up. So I layer on the clothes, waiting to strip later. But Tuesday was perfect. It was the perfect temperature! Not too cold, but layered perfectly to where I didn't have to strip down. The sun was about to make its way out, so it was dark, yet a hint of reflection in the sky. God just painted me this beautiful picture that I wanted to take in.

So started out my run with Buddy, he's always so excited. I don't run with my ipod or any music. Just listen to my surroundings, pay attention to Buddy and talk to him. (no I don't look weird talking to my dog, I mean talk like "Buddy over here...") Mainly it's my time to reflect on life, what's going on, clear my mind. Such a peaceful time. Listening to the birds, breathing in fresh air, feeling the burn in my legs, getting that exercise high. And it makes me feel even better yet that Buddy just loves it! Except those darn birds!!! Running by the pond and seeing birds fly off the water! Can it get any better than that?!

I think about life. How I enjoy Emporia and like my job and my apartment, all to a point, but wonder if it's all too comfortable? I'm young, I should be doing things now! Exploring life and whats out there! What is out there?! Am I missing out?! Hmm I may never know, and I will never know till I explore it. God knows though, the big man upstairs! He knows my plans and I will follow his lead! I will trust in him, about everything! I must! So what shall I do next in life???

The point is get outside! Any time of day, it's beautiful! Go running! You'll get so many amazing things from it! If not running, go walking! The point...get some exercise and love life a little!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bath Time

After being pretty dirty from being in his cage and slobberin some, and going on a run this morning and kinda soggy in spots, Bud was dirty! So we had a bath today when I got home from work. Daddy usually gives him his bathes but not today. So nice outside he won't get cold when drying off. So perfect day for bath time!

Monday, March 22, 2010


It's only Monday....blah! Was a good morning feel reenergized after the weekend. Had a great workout that exhausted me, home for shower then to work for an exhausting day. Keep busy there always. But nothing too exciting.

Buddy is good! He says he misses his daddy! So do I! We here from him a lot though and he is doing well. Early mornings and long days for him in Arizona. At least he has some gorgeous warm weather there! never know. But today was good and tomorrow looks promising. The snow is melting very quickly which is a relief.

Dancing with the Stars started tonight on TV. I watched a little bit of it. To me they all look good! Some I suppose better than others. I wish I could dance like that! I'd love to take lessons and learn, such a pretty art! Put that on my list of things I want to do!

Well will be up and early to run with Buddy in the morning! Got to get some exercise in for the little guy before caged up all day napping!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Ahh did the sun feel good today. It just put a smile on my face! You don't realize what that free vitamin D can do for you! Good to be able to get outdoors! And SUN! Was nice it melted most of the snow too! Funny how we get a couple inches of snow one day, and then gone the next, but that is good!
Today I went into work and painted all afternoon. Was good, kept myself busy and doing something. Even though it's the weekend and I usually want to get out of the place I am 80% of the time, I still wanted to be in there doing something. Instead of sittin around and moopin. Plus I like the money. Work will be busy this week having a speaker come in next week. So excited about though and will be so good!
There was a new show on TV tonight called "Food Nation" just describing a poor food choices our country is making. We are the worst! We are educated so young and in schools and they show this on the show. It will be on Friday nights on ABC! Make me want to keep doing what I"m doing! Trying to educate people on how valuable their health is and we must doing something about! Value your health, value your bodies!!! Enjoy this SUNSHINE and get outdoors! Be healthy :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

First day of spring?!

Hmm, are you sure it's spring?? Cause it sure feels like winter is beginning all over again!!! No bueno! So got a nice wake up call this morning from work. Nobody was there to open, and of course this had to happen the day there was snow drifts and my car was glued shut with ice! Then get to work and the girl showed up a bit late and didn't let me know till I pulled in. Oh well, for some reason I wasn't too mad, not the end of the world. So got around and did some stuff then back to work for real this time. We are painting the aerobics room. Nothin like getting high on fumes at work!

I sure hope the sun comes out tomorrow, cause it did not today. KU lost, crapy cold weather, what more could happen. Haha. Buddy and I have been cuddled up all evening and will snuggle up in bed tonight, should be good sleeping weather! The sun will come out tomorrow!......

Friday, March 19, 2010


Ughhh I hate winter! It's blowing snow and is so cold out! So nice out this morning then total change now! I took Buddy out to potty tonight and opened the door and he's like what?! Snow again, he seemed confused! Haha, hopefully we won't get as much as they are saying, 6-8 or something. I am suppose to work tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure it will be a sloowwwww day! Nobody will want to get out! Don't blame them!

Today was fun at work. We are training a lady that won a contest for the paper and receives free personal training at our gym. So me and the manager are doing it. I do more cardio with her and today we did some fun kickboxing, kenpo stuff! I felt like a real trainer tonight for some reason. Just made up a good program that definitely got her heart pumpin and it was fun and active. Oh I just love those great days at work!

TGIF, enjoy the weekend! :D

Thursday, March 18, 2010


If the everybody could get a massage and stick their heads out the car window like dogs do on a nice day, we would have world peace! Everybody would be relaxed!

Today I had my massage that Conner got me for Valentines Day. It was awesomely amazing and relaxing! I love the feeling you have when you are done, just on a high! I haven't had a full body massage in many years, so felt great! When I got home I took Buddy on a car ride to go play at the tennis courts. He loves car rides and I had the windows down so he could stick his head out the window! Who wouldn't love doing that, the breeze in your hair, or in his case ears! Like your flying! He's a smart dog, we should all do that!

This morning Buddy and I got up before the sun was up and went on our run. A little chillier this morning that the other day! But sun was starting to come up by the end and was nice! Refreshing! But toooo many birds! Buddy loves birds!! That brittany dog in him definitely comes out! He wants to chase them and catch them and he comes close sometimes too!

Well tomorrow is finally TGIF!! Thank goodness! No big plans. Work on Saturday. Tonight was a bummer, I was so excited to come home and finish with my relaxing evening with some TV shows I enjoy, but not on tonight, March Madness instead. Go KU!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I need to add something exciting in my life, cause my day was pretty blah today. Well I guess it was busy busy at work! We are getting ready to do some exciting things! We have a really knowlegable speaker coming in from California to give tips on being healthy and your overall health/fitness. She's highly qualified and I love learning new things. My work and career is fun, I enjoy it! It's so promising and rewarding! I want to learn so much! We must take action while we are young to help prevent health issues in the future! And I want to help! All it takes is Exercise and Eating Right!
Most of you know I am selling Juice Plus. I'm not only selling it but passionate about what it can do for you. They put fruits and vegetables in a pill! It can't get much easier than that! So many health benefits come from it, you must check out the website to see for yourself!
Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather. We are to get snow on Saturday. Seems crazy, but live in Kansas! Expect the unexpected!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is it Friday yet?!

Well yesterday didn't feel like Monday, but today for some reason did, and I wish it were Friday already. After a long day yesterday, it was a bright and early, long day today. The alarm goes off and it's still dark outside, that means harder to get up. But Buddy and I did, and went on a quick run before I had to go into work and train. Wish I had time to go a little bit further because I could have caught the sun coming up! Then was a full day of work and more training when I got off. So wasn't till late till home and poor Buddy. I think he about peed himself probly! But he was fine and very happy to see me, that always feels good! We have been chilling tonight and watching Biggest Loser! I enjoy that show, always motivating to me in more ways that one. I want to be JILLIAN! GRRRRRR ):O
I'm tired and another day to come tomorrow. Nothing too exciting today kinda quiet with Conner gone, but we'll see what tomorrow brings.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own." Matthew 6:34

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Monday

Well today is Monday but I feel so off this week already, I kept thinking it was atleast Tuesday, just weird after taking a few days off last week and then working on Saturday, so just out of the loop. But got up early so I could go workout and then come home and play with Buddy before I had to go back to work and kennel him all day long :( Breaks my heart! So we went to the tennis court real quick before I had to go back to work. Conner requested that I take a video of us playing, so I will include that. Don't laugh at me, it was a bit chilly still this morning.

So off to work then, and a busy day it was. My manager was gone to the ESU basketball game which meant I had to do her work, and my own work and more! So busy busy afternoon. Training and teaching classes and boom I guess the day did go fast anyways! That's a plus. Then home and man the sun was still out even when I got off work, even though it was 7:30, ahhh the plus side of daylight savings. So I got Buddy and felt bad for him and wanted him to exercise so we ran to the tennis courts again and played ball then ran home. Ok ok I'm spoiling my baby, but atleast I'm spoiling him with something healthy :D The great thing was that the sun was setting on our way home and it was just soooo beautiful! I haven't seen the sun set in so long because I'm always stuck at work or doing something else. So Buddy took me on the perfect date :D So nothing too exciting for today, but still thankful for my wonderful day!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

BBBBennie and the Jets

So I asked Conner to make me a CD before he left. He had a variety of music on it including some songs he could play on the guitar, some songs he knew I liked, and then some plain old random ones, one being an Elton John classic, Bennie and the Jets! I'm sure most of you have heard the song before but do you have any idea what any of the words are?! I always make them up while I'm "singing" it. So it reminded me of the movie 27 Dresses! Good movie and one of my favorite parts was when they sing this song in the bar. Makes me giggle! :) So I thought you should have a good laugh today so I included the video.

Today was a good Sunday. Buddy and I slept in, way late ;) since it was daylight savings. Ha, then we went on a good run around the high school near by. Felt so good and Buddy loves it! After we ran he of course was not out of gas yet so we went to the tennis courts and thew the ball around a bit. He just loves it! While we were running there is a little pond near by. Two geese flew over us squakin and landed onto the pond. Ahhh what a reminder of Spring is in the air! Just amazing signs of the outdoors that God has givin us! And Buddy loves any kind of bird, he chases them! I can't wait till the squirrels come out :S

We cleaned the apartment and ran errands together all afternoon. It was our day together before the big week of him being stuck in his crate while I'm at work. Poor guy. So a good Sunday. Lots are enjoying Spring Break this week so will be busy for me making up for their hours at work. Had a great talk with one of my best friends, Emily, tonight. I miss all my girls! Always fun to daydream about things together that we wish could happen. ;) Well getting tired, even though it should feel like an hour earlier.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well today is Saturday yet doesn't feel like it. Feels like a Monday almost. After having 2 days off I'm coming back into my routine again of sleeping, getting up, working out, home for lunch and shower, then to work. I ususally don't work on Saturdays but did today to make up for time off. The whole time I was away from the apartment all I could think of was poor Buddy. I hate putting him in his crate cause he doesn't like it! Even with all those fun toys in there he still goes nuts! I guess with time he will get use to it and the routine. Now tomorrow is Sunday and just a day to chill with the Bud!

It's daylight savings time tonight (2 a.m.) so now losing an hour. My mom and I were talking, we actually lose an hour of life, I know we eventually get it back in the Fall when we go back an hour, but she said, what if we don't make it to the next daylight savings time and we actually lose an hour of life! Just a thought to put in your head. Haha. So use your time wisely!

It sure is quiet around the apartment with Conner gone! A lot different and will take time to get use to. Boy I wish I was in Sunny Arizona with the nice weather! It's a bit chilly here still! Can't wait till summer! It will feel better tomorrow when the days start to feel longer with the sun going down later!

So last thought of the day here, this morning I was getting ready in the bathroom and Buddy always hangs around me. He's been craving playing ball lately, can't get enough of it. So I'm blow drying my hair and playing ball with Bud at the same time. Well he comes back in and drops his ball into the trash can. Luckly I just dumped it this morning. But he stares up at me like Mom what do I do?! I just had to giggle and then he ended up being able to reach his nose in and get the ball out. He's too funny. A personality of his own for sure! I just feel like he is looking out for me, like somehow he knew me in another life. He just loves staying around me wherever I go! But it's great having a companion like him :D

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 1

Today is day 1! Day one of my blog! Day one of Conner being gone! Day one of a new adventure!

I've decided to start writing a blog for myself and for others to know what is going on currently in my life. I'm not too exciting, but I'm not too boring either. Just livin life.

Today I dropped off Conner at the airport for Spring Training in Arizona. This basically means 6 whole months of being away from each other! We have a unique, yet amazing relationship. It's so strong and I couldn't be happier. Not all people could go from being around each other nonstop for 6 months, to being away and long distance for 6 months. But we are strong and we know we can work through it. Have you seen the guns we carry ;) I mean muscles. I'm so so so excited for him and what he's about to start, and can not wait to go watch him play and visit!!! Love you! :)

Well it is a new adventure. Me and Buddy here at the apartment in good ole Emporia! I think I will have a lot more free time now since Conner is gone, but still do stay busy with work and Bud. But I feel like I will have some new adventures throughout this summer! Try new things, enjoy life and it's many many blessings!

Day 1, over and out!