Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dollar Bill

Today I was at work, doing the usual things, making a smoothie for someone, taking there money to register, but as I was putting it in I noticed something written on one of the dollar bills. It was the bible verse Matthew 6:9-13, more commonly known as the Lords prayer. I thought this was an awesome idea someone had done! A reminder to pray during random times of the day, or think of a bible verse. So tonight I took a dollar bill I had in my wallet and wrote one of my favorite bible verses on it, Phillipians 4:13 "I can do everything, through him who gives me strenth." I can't wait till I use that dollar and somebody else notices it and realizes it too! I challenge you to do the same, it's kinda fun. Take out a dollar bill and write your favorite verse on it! :D

Today was a tiring day. Up early to go running with Buddy, which he is getting difficult to run with. He loves it, but loves wondering around too! I'm constantly calling his name for him doing something whether sniffin something or wanting to wander off into the street, or bark at someone. He's just protective and curious I guess. He'll get better. But boy a good runner! He's going to make me faster! We're going to get a harness this weekend, that will make it easier. Then off to work all day and teaching spin class at noon. So my legs are done until tomorrow! Sleep in a bit longer then take the Bud out! He knows now in the mornings thats what we're doing. I get this jacket out everytime and when he see's me going for it he knows what we're doing!! Funny how smart dogs are!

Almost TGIF!!!!!!! :D

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